Banner Image: Be the heartbeat of progress
Banner Image: Be the heartbeat of progress

Every 30 minutes someone in Australia loses their life to heart disease.


Join us, donate today and help create a future free of heart disease. 


could cover the cost of a pedometer, an important tool to help researchers unlock the link between sedentary behaviour and heart health.  


could cover the cost of basic tools researchers need to grow heart cells: syringes, test tubes and flasks.


could pay for a researcher to measure hundreds of lipids (fats) in a blood sample or biopsy, including those linked to heart disease risk.

In a world that often seems divided, there's one thing that unites us all—our hearts.

You can help us continue to support significant advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease. Over the past six decades, these advances have included: the automatic pacemaker, coronary care units, cardiac rehabilitation, and treatments for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Donate today.

Sharon survived a heart attack; she counts herself lucky

Sharon's story is a powerful reminder that heart attacks can happen to anyone unexpectedly. Sharon's story highlights the importance of being proactive about heart health and recognising the signs of a heart attack.

With your ongoing support we can continue to help ensure more people have the chance to recover, like Sharon did, and lead healthier lives. 

Reducing complications with mechanical hearts

Meet Associate Professor Shaun Gregory, a 2018 Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow who is a dedicated researcher addressing the critical issue of complications associated with mechanical hearts, also known as ventricular assist devices (VADs). Heart failure affects 64 million people worldwide, and the demand for donor hearts far exceeds the supply, making VADs a crucial alternative for patients awaiting heart transplants. 


Here's where you can make a significant impact. With your donation, you can help fund life-saving treatments for those affected by heart disease.

We have had an incredible response to our ‘raise $50K in one day’ campaign and have reached the $25K in matched donations – so although your donation will no longer matched by Rebecca Davies, AO (Heart Foundation Board Member and Dollar Matching Donor), we are, as always so grateful for anything you are willing to give. 

© 2023 National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761

For heart health information and support, visit

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